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The sendAnalyticsEvent function is responsible for firing events in the browser. These events enforce Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data model and are often related to ecommerce-tracking capabilities.

The sendAnalyticsEvent function centralizes and aggregates tracking events and also supports custom events.


sendAnalyticsEvent does not send events to any analytics provider. To intercept events fired by this function, use the useAnalyticsEvent hook.


import { sendAnalyticsEvent } from '@faststore/sdk'


In the component related to the event, declare a callback function. In this function, define an event object with the desired event type (e.g., add_to_cart) and call the sendAnalyticsEvent. Then, pass the related event as an argument. Finally, call the callback function in the event trigger (e.g., onClick).

Take the following example of an add_to_cart event triggered by the button component:

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { sendAnalyticsEvent } from '@faststore/sdk'

const MyComponent = () => {
const addToCartCallback = useCallback(() => {
/* ... */

const addToCartEvent = {
type: 'add_to_cart',
data: {
items: [
/* ... */

}, [])

return <button onClick={addToCartCallback}>Add to cart</button>

Check the list of Available types here.


The sendAnalyticsEvent function was built using generics. That means it's possible to extend default types and override the native ones, obtaining the same suggestions and enforcements as you would with a natively supported event.

Take the following example of providing a custom type reference for sendAnalyticsEvent:

import { sendAnalyticsEvent } from '@faststore/sdk'

interface CustomEvent {
name: 'custom_event'
params: {
customProperty?: string

* We're passing the CustomEvent to sendAnalyticsEvent. As you type, you'll receive code suggestions for all the properties of this type, including params subfields.
sendAnalyticsEvent<CustomEvent>(/* ... */)

This is most commonly used to fire custom or native events with custom properties in it. For more details, please refer to the Extending and customizing native types and Sending custom events guides.

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