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New property for creating setting-only content types

· 2 min read

The onlySettings property is now available for merchants to create content types intended for settings only. ​​This option is particularly useful for content types that do not require storefront content, like an SEO page.

Image 1Image 2
Image 1 - Content type with onlySettings and with one tab for settings: SEO.Image 2 - Content type without onlySettings and with two tabs: Sections and SEO.

This property ensures that the content type page displays only the available settings without the Sections tab. Follow the steps below to use the onlySettings property for your desired content type.

What has changed?​

Previously, when creating or editing a settings-only content type, two tabs were displayed: one for sections and another for page settings. However, for some content types like SEO pages, which do not have storefront content, the Sections tab was not relevant.

Now, the onlySettings property allows the creation of content types meant for settings only. This change improves content management and simplifies interface navigation for merchants by displaying only one settings tab on the page.

Why are we making this change?​

The change enables the creation of setting-only content types that do not require storefront content, and simplifies interface navigation by displaying only one tab for the page configuration.

What needs to be done?​

To add the property to your store, please follow the instructions in Using onlySettings property in a content type.